
Want to get more clients?

Question 1

What best describes your business?


Question 2

What’s your name, email and phone number?

Please enter a valid phone number!


Question 3

{name}, what's your website url?

If you don't have one, type "don't have one"


Question 4

What is your current monthly revenue and what is your target monthly revenue?





Great, {name}!

Ready to discuss further?
Book a 1:1 meeting now and let's explore your options together!

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1. Jautājums

Kas Tevi vislabāk raksturo?

Gribi vairāk jaunus klientus?


2. Jautājums

Kāds ir jūsu vārds, e-pasts un telefona numurs?

Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu telefona numuru!


3. Jautājums

{name}, kāds ir jūsu mājaslapas URL?

Ja jums tāda nav, ierakstiet "nav".


4. Jautājums

Kādi ir jūsu pašreizējie mēneša ieņēmumi un kādi ir jūsu mērķa mēneša ieņēmumi?





Super, {name}!

Gatavs turpināt sarunas?
Rezervē 1:1 tikšanos tagad un izpētīsim jūsu iespējas kopā!

Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Hold up there,

Book a demo call now and we'll show you how to skyrocket your business.
We GUARANTEE that you will DOUBLE your investment with us!

Give me the $1,000 strategy for free


Aizpildi formu un saņem pielāgotu mārketinga plānu!

Es gribu saņemt €1'000 vērtu mārketinga plānu

We pull hungry-to-buy clients out of ads like magicians pull rabbits out of hats

Battle-tested system by over 2'100 founders

€150'000 in 4 months by uncovering Wall Street (dirty) secrets

Bartosz Jezierski

Sold €25'000 worth of coaching & generated €7'500 cash in 2 months

Recharge Therapist Indre Spiridonova

New 10 Clients in 60 Days with 20-30 leads per day

Gabriele Romeo | Guitarist & Educator

300 Low-ticket customers in 6 weeks

Edmunds Posh | Sales Academy

Doubled price & predictable system to generate clients that works 24/7

Priscila Queiros | Language coach

4 New clients in 10 days

Laura | Healthy Living

Lead and client generating machine that crushes cold traffic

Hendrik Oviir | Elite Alphas

Results that truly exceeded my expecatations

Donatas Jonikas | SAAS Mentor

Double the business in 1 month

Klaudia Miszkiewicz and Katarzyna Misiorna

Double the business in 1 month

Klaudia Miszkiewicz and Katarzyna Misiorna


All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results.  Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors.

Best part? It’s so simple, only 3 steps

Step 1

#1 Messaging

Craft an offer that’s hard to refuse and even harder to scroll past, ensuring zero need for pushy marketing and sales.

Step 2

#2 Systemizing

We’ll prescribe one of our 7 lead-generation systems to ensure you’re speaking to the right audience only.

Step 3

#3 Getting paid

Learn to have simple, authentic conversations and never worry about “I need to think” or “That’s pricey” again.

Our offering


M&S Growth System™

License our M&S Growth System™ to ensure a steady flow of clients in 8 weeks or less

705 client wins

Learn more


Sharpify Mastermind™

Small group of Founders that are looking to build a dynamic team to create more freedom and growth

705 client wins

Learn more

What makes the difference

Average time to launch

1:1, M-F support

Exclusive community

Failure rate

360° business integration


2 weeks

Very low


Full-time hire

6-12 weeks




4-6 weeks




4-6 weeks

Very High


Average time to launch

2 weeks

1:1, M-F support

Exclusive community

Failure rate

Very low

360* business integration



Full-time hire

Average time to launch

6-12 weeks

1:1, M-F support

Exclusive community

Failure rate


360* business integration



Marketing agency

Average time to launch

4-6 weeks

1:1, M-F support

Exclusive community

Failure rate


360* business integration



Coaching program

Average time to launch

4-6 weeks

1:1, M-F support

Exclusive community

Failure rate

Very high

360* business integration



Pick the obvious option by clicking here

Build Your 2024 Marketing Plan in 60 Seconds

But more importantly - does it work? 

Revenue generated


€50 million in reported client revenue and counting

Global experience


Countries we have battle tested our strategies

Clients served


Serving client all around the world



Monthly reach of our free content, creating impact

Join the statistics

Build Your 2024 Marketing Plan in 60 Seconds

Over 400 case studies of success

Look around, see real results from founders that took action

See our client results

And no, we’re not a bedroom agency

How we provide value

1. Help to get clients & make more profit

2. High-level service - great & fast communication

3. Fun to work with

Learn more about us

Founder's briefing
Niks Jansons


Mad scientist


Since you’re reading this message, it means 1 of 2 things:
#1 - In one way or another, you’re not where you’d like to be in your business.
#2 - You like to scroll fast.
Either way, I don’t blame you if you’re rolling your eyes in skepticism.
Because I get it.
The industry is filled with overpromise-underdeliver-ers.
Nowadays, everyone claims to possess a new magic pill that’ll finally solve anything.
But you know just as much as I do:It’s all BS.
Because anyone can put together a funnel and launch some ads saying they’re the best.
But not everyone can:

Built a 7-figure coaching/service business in just 3 years

Helped 2'100+ clients from Europe to grow their businesses

Managed 1.1 million in ad spend for own businesses

Leads a team of 15 high-performers

125 six-figure clients created

Face cover of Forbes Baltics 30 under 30

And do it all with methods we use ourselves ONLY.
That’s another thing.
We never prescribe solutions we haven’t tested on our own skin.
Because you’re not here for another magic pill that might or might not burn you.
You’re here to scale. And that’s our only concern.

Stay Sharp...

P.S. I like Gemma (my daughter), Gita (my wife), dirt bikes, golf, cigars, MMA, Gucci (my dog) and business.

P.P.S. Let’s be honest, you came here to see what we got to offer for YOU. 
And believe it or not.
That’s the same reason why I’m here.
So, to make your time reeeeally worth it.
I got something for you bellow...

Legendary YouTube videos with No B.S

Get access to the full library here

FAQ playground

Is this a marketing agency or a coaching program?


Although we share some commonalities, we are NOT an agency.

And even though we have no other way to ensure you’re meeting your side of the deal, we’re NOT a coaching program.

We are a non-equity business partner that is looking to take founders under our wing and treat your company like we do ours.

That means we’ll be producing ready-to-use assets, answering questions, and giving advice, as well as taking over your current systems and setting up new ones.

What’s the price?

More than not buying - that we can tell you for sure.

Because every day that you keep shooting in the dark with your marketing campaigns…

Letting good potential clients slip through your fingers due to insufficient management systems and 80s-style sales conversations…

All of those are days where you leave money on the table.

However, on a more serious note. We tailor our battle plan for each client depending on where you are currently.

And if you’re looking for the cheapest option - look elsewhere. Because the more clients we take on, the more we invest in improving our service. And we’re not trying to onboard as many clients as possible.

We’ll only work with you if we can paint a crystal clear map for you to get your investment back in at least six months.

That’s why we suggest scheduling a roadmap session to determine your most appropriate investment.

How much time and energy do I have to commit?

Depends on 3 things:

#1 - Where you’re at now

#2 - Where you want to be

#3 - How much do you want to know

In any case, we’ll do the heavy lifting for you (ad creation, tech setup, etc.), but we can’t physically make the client transfer money into your account.

In order to get to know your business and market inside and out to ensure you the chance to sell, we will require you to show up and give the answers we’ll need. 

The short answer is that we’ll need more of your time at the start, but as results increase, you’ll be able to spend more time working in the business, not on it.

Maintaining a system that works up to standards takes less than an hour/day.

I’m already getting clients. Do I need this?

Certainly, no matter what you do to get clients, our method will give it some extra “fuel,” if you may.

However, chances are you’re here because something isn’t working to the extent you’d like.

And in 99% of cases, the reason is excessive focus on less effective channels:

Whether it’s cold outreach, organic posting, or networking, we’ll provide a better way.

Why should I choose you not the other 100 people on my feed?

Ever bought a course from a US guru, followed it step-by-step, and got burned? 

Well, there’s your answer.

The European market hasn’t been exposed to nearly the same amount of offers, claims, and promises.

That’s why the worst thing you can do is take advice from people who operate in markets that are 10 steps ahead of yours.

Essentially, our experience in the European market ensures you do no more and no less than you should.

How can I be sure this will work for me?

If you sell a service that costs over €1’000 in a 1-to-1 conversation, chances are this is for you.

However, we realize that you can’t jump to conclusions solely based on other people’s results.

That’s why the best way to determine whether we’re a good fit is by scheduling a roadmap session with my team - so you can get your specific concerns and questions answered directly.

Let us build your 2024 marketing plan

Find the right solution on a no-pressure call with one of our advisers

Show me the secrets